Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Ministry Opportunities

Several weeks ago, we took our youngest son, Benjamin, to the emergency room to see the doctor. It was a Monday and the ER was very busy. After talking to four different people they finally decided that they did not have time to see us that day. On Tuesday, we did get to see the pediatrician. During the office visit I jokingly told the doctor that I was going to volunteer at the hospital. "That is a great idea." Replied the doctor. Within just a few short days, Monica and I were scheduled to volunteer once a week. We have been helping at the hospital one day a week for the past six weeks and loving it. The Lord has opened the doors for us to pray with several patients. We have also had several ask us about the church that we are starting in Choiseul. Being at the hospital has also given us more exposure to the people in the area. Pray for us as we endeavor to build a relationship with the people for caring for them and loving their soul.

To past two Monday's have given me the unique experience of speaking in a public school. A local pastor has been speaking in the school every Monday for quite some time. The last two Monday's the pastor was out of town and I was able to take his place. It was a real joy to speak with the elementary kids. Both weeks we read from the story of Naaman and the little maid. The first week, we spoke about the little maid, and how she showed attentiveness. The second week we spoke about Naaman and his unwillingness to obey. Pray for us that the Lord will continue to open doors for us to tell others about the Lord.

1 comment:

Becky Norton said...

What an incredible addition to your ministry opportunities!!! Although I don't think I could ever be a nurse (I filled out a change of major form in school once to sat on my desk for a week before I threw it away!), the medical field in general interests me greatly. :) I miss you guys!!!!