Monday, October 6, 2008

Is that in the Bible?

This morning for part of our Bible time the children had a contest to see who could say the books of the Old Testament the fastest. Faith our second daughter won with a time of 13 seconds. Sometimes when trying to say things really fast you get misunderstood or accidentally say the wrong word. Later this morning Grace, our two year old, was trying to say the books. “Genesis, Exodus, Labidicus… Dothelaundry…(do the laundry). Oh well, at least she is trying, and maybe some more chores will get done.


Becky Norton said...

..Sounds like she's gotten a hold of one of those crazy new versions...NIV....RSV....something!! LOL

Becky Norton said...

I hear you're without water!!! I'd send you some by mail if I could....praying it comes back to you soon!!! :)