Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Thief in the Night

Last Monday night, we kissed the kids goodnight and went to sleep trusting that all would be well in the morning. At about 1:30 Tuesday morning, I was awakened to find that a man had been in the house going through our belongings. We immediately called the police and began to search for the intruder only to find that he had already left. We found an array of things that the burglar had taken from each room and then inspected them and discarded what he didn’t want. I ran to the van and drove through the neighborhood looking for anyone that looked suspicious. Within forty-nine minutes the police arrived, and I returned to meet them at the house. The police took a few minutes to look around and said they would return in the morning for a second look.

I would like to say that I am very thankful to have all of my family still with me and in good health with no injuries. I am convinced that nothing can touch us but what passes through the hand of God first. Praise God for His protection! A Christian brother here told me just yesterday that even though the devil attacks, God has still drawn a line that he cannot cross.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Nathan Brock


Ashley said...

I hate to hear that what happened, happened, but it is also so wonderful to hear that the Lord watched over you all!

Becky Norton said...

How scary!! Praise the Lord that everyone is okay--What a blessing His protection is on you guys. I'm praying here. :)