July the 20th through the 24th was youth camp. We had a great time with the teens. There were 44 young people from five different churches represented. The theme of the camp was “Give my Thine Heart”. The camp director, David Lindsey, invited two preachers from the States to preach each day. We also had a professor from Spartan Medical University come each morning and teach on the heart and the similarities on the physical heart and the spiritual heart. The preaching line up could not have been better. I have posted a lot of pictures on my Face Book page, www.facebook.com/Rev.nathanbrock.
Five young people came forward during the services of the week to accept Christ as Saviour. Please pray that God will continue to work in the hearts of all those that attended.
Five young people came forward during the services of the week to accept Christ as Saviour. Please pray that God will continue to work in the hearts of all those that attended.