Saturday, November 22, 2008
Home Alone
Monica and I have been talking about her going to the States for a couple weeks. She could really use the break after putting up with me, the kids, school, the ministry, and the burglary. When our home church heard that we were considering this they decided to receive an offering to help with flying expenses. Then one of the ladies of the church said we could have some buddy passes of hers. Then the grandparents said they wanted to help a little too. So… short of the long is… Monica and all six kids left today to enjoy the next little while with the extended family. Keep us in your prayers. This is the longest we have been separated since… … ever. During visitation this week one lady, Cheryl, accepted Christ as Saviour. Praise the Lord!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ministry Update
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pop Quiz on Bible Characters ??? :-)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hospital Visitation Part 2
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Hospital Visitation
Thief in the night, Part 2
Last Thursday night before church, a friend called me to say that a man had been apprehended in a nearby village while robbing a house. I drove to the police station to get more information. The officer I talked with said that a home owner caught him climbing out of a window. They used a stick to beat him and called to the neighbors for help. When the neighbors arrived, they helped to beat him as well. According to the officer that I spoke with, an off-duty officer saw what was happening and stopped the brawl before they beat him to death. He also said that the homeowner saw a second man, but they did not catch him. The police are investigating the possibility that this could be the same man that robbed us.
New Friends
As a missionary in a foreign country, it takes a while to meet and make friends. It is easy to have casual friends and those that you talk to every so often. It is harder to have a close friend that you can really talk with honestly. We have spent a lot of time with Simon and his family lately. I consider him a true friend and a brother in Christ. Thank the Lord for friends!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thanks for your time and comments
Nathan Brock
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Thief in the Night
I would like to say that I am very thankful to have all of my family still with me and in good health with no injuries. I am convinced that nothing can touch us but what passes through the hand of God first. Praise God for His protection! A Christian brother here told me just yesterday that even though the devil attacks, God has still drawn a line that he cannot cross.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Nathan Brock
Monday, October 6, 2008
Is that in the Bible?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Ministry Opportunities
To past two Monday's have given me the unique experience of speaking in a public school. A local pastor has been speaking in the school every Monday for quite some time. The last two Monday's the pastor was out of town and I was able to take his place. It was a real joy to speak with the elementary kids. Both weeks we read from the story of Naaman and the little maid. The first week, we spoke about the little maid, and how she showed attentiveness. The second week we spoke about Naaman and his unwillingness to obey. Pray for us that the Lord will continue to open doors for us to tell others about the Lord.
Friday, September 19, 2008
What's bugging you?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Youth Camp

Youth camp was August 20th - 23rd. Brother David Lindsey, another missionary here, headed up the camp and I was ask to help with the games and preach a couple of messages. About four or five churches sent youth to the camp. Several gave testimony that Lord touched their hearts during the meeting and the gospel seed was planted in several others. We are looking forward to another camp within the next year.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Long winded preacher
I had intentions on starting the PM service at 6:00, but no one was there. We started right at 7:00 with a few songs and the kids sang a couple of specials. I started preaching about 7:30. I was originally going to preach on the second coming. Before I started I asked if anyone had a question I could answer from the Bible. Thelma asked if I could speak a few minutes about having a Christian family. So, I preached on the duties of fathers, mothers, and children. Then I preached on the second coming, and then I preached a little bit on the purpose of the law. Then I spoke a few minutes about moral living. After a while I noticed my two younger children, 9 months, and 2 years, were really restless and my dear wife was starting to look tired. When I finally looked at the time it was about 10:15. WOW!!! Talk about long winded preacher. I closed the service as quick as possible, and we left for home about 10:30. When we left there were 15 – 18 people still standing outside talking.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Two more saved!!!!
The second lady is a mother of four. We stopped one day and gave her and her husband a ride home. When we mentioned the crusade she said they would like to come for a visit. She previously attended an Evangelical Church in her area. I saw that she was under conviction for a couple of nights. It was such a blessing to see her accept Christ.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I've Never Saw it on Quite This Fassion.
Last night, April 8th, we had another interesting service. Pastor Minnville, pictured in the April 5th post, preached on the rich man and Lazarus. He preaches mostly in Patios which means my family and I don’t understand much if anything said. Each night of the crusade we have had up to twenty standing outside the building listening, talking and otherwise. About five minutes into the sermon one of the fellows outside made a negative comment. Without missing a stride Pastor Minnville walked around the corner and preached for the next thirty minutes out the window to the crowd outside. The church people “Amen-ed” him on even though most could no longer see him. Pastor Minnville is sixty-nine years old and has slowed quite a bit, but last night we saw that he still had a good firing desire to preach. It was great!
After the service Sister Minnville led a fifteen year old girl, Tracy, to the Lord. Sister Minnville called me and
Sunday, April 6, 2008
When it rains it pours
Saturday, April 5, 2008
One down, and one to go
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Another trial and error in language
Monday, March 31, 2008
Our first Meeting
· 2:00 PM. Charity, Hope, Ethan, and I left home to finish cleaning the church building, assist Pastor Minnville with an open air service, and get ready for church at 6:30 pm.
· 2:35 pm: We arrive at the building and start cleaning.
· 2:50 pm: Me and Ethan start working on the bathroom toilet. We replaced the float, the cut off, the seat, and the flapper for the night service.
· 3:55 pm: We finish the toilet and are told by the neighbor that the water is turned off daily between 5:00 and 6:00. (What good is a toilet without water?????)
· 4:01 pm: We discover we are late for the open air service. We drive to two locations and still can’t find our friends.
· 5:00: We find the group and the open air service is over. We return to the church building for final preparations.
· 6:30: Church is supposed to be starting and not one person has arrived.
· 7:00: We start church with seven people.
· 7:30: During my message Ethan and Charity leave the building. Ethan now has the stomach virus and is vomiting outside the back door. Charity went to help.
· 8:00: I begin dealing with a lady about salvation during the invitation. Oliver is also dealing with a young man.
· 8:05: No one is leading the service; no one is leading the singing. The 18 people that were there decide the service is over and decide to leave.
· 9:00: I finish talking to the lady to find an empty building. Oliver informed me that the young man he spoke with did pray to receive Christ as his Saviour. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
· 9:31: I discover I have a flat tire and return to the building for a quick tire change.
· 9:37: I don’t have a jack and now must borrow one from a neighbor.
· 9:45-11:00: I can’t get to the spare because the door hinge is broke. I remove the door panel and kick the door open to retrieve the spare tire. The van falls off the jack twice. We pick up the van by hand and put the jack under the van. We finally get the spare on the van and the flat one in the van. Ethan now has a fever and is complaining about being cold in 73 degree weather.
· 11:05: We start home.
· 11:09: I stop in the middle of the road so Hope doesn’t vomit in the van.
· 11:45: We arrive safely at home and thank God for the soul that was saved as I fall asleep in the bed.
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Building for Church
Monday, March 10, 2008
In search of a church building
Monday, February 18, 2008
First Open Air Service
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sesame seeds to burgers
Friday, February 15, 2008
The kids on visitation
Monday, February 11, 2008
Our First Home Church Service
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam

Last Friday we heard some rustling behind the house to find that one of the neighborhood cows was loose in the street. The kids thought it was a little strange to see a cow walking through the residential area we live. The cows here are normally kept on a leash. This one got loose. If you look close you can see the tether wrapped around its horns.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Faith
Monday, February 4, 2008
Old Friend, New Friend